Thursday, January 15, 2009

Corte, Perkins, McGregor


Physical Computing

Building interactive physical systems by the use of software and hardware that can sense and respond to the analog world
  • Uses sensors and microcontrollers

  • Inputs information to specified software to that sensor
  • Controls motors, servos, lighting and other hardware similar to these

Types of Sensors

Photo Transistor

Pressur Sensor Photo Diode PIR Sensor

Ultrasonic range finder

Vibration/Tilt Switch

Photodiode- Has the capability of turning light into current or voltage Price- 4 pkg $.99

Pressure Sensor- measures various types of pressure, can be pressure caused by: gases, water, and other liquids Price- $1.49

Passive InfraRed Sensor (PIR) - An electronic device that measures infrared light. Motion is detected when an infrared source with one temperature passes infront of another object
Price- $.99


Vibration/Tilt switch- small movement, shaking or vibrating, is used to activate some type of action. Used in blinking sneakers and vibrating car alarms Price-$1.00

Hall Effect Magnetic Sensor- is activated when a magnet is brought near it
Price- 4pkg $2.00

Robotics Terminology

Autonomous - not subject to control from outside; self governing; independent
Calibrate - Determine, check, or rectify the graduation of (any instrumant giving quantative measurments)
Ultrasonic - acoustic frequencies above the range audible to the human ear or above 20,000 Hz (hertz)
Biomechanics - developent of prostheses
Electromechanical - relating to a mechanical device or systhem that is actuated or controlled by electricity
Actuator - the "muscles" of a robot, the parts which transfer stored energy into movement
Manipulation - the "hands" of robot or the part that connects to the actuator
Locomotion - How a robot moves over terrain; apparatus equivelant to legs
Dynamics/Kinematics - branch of mechanics dealing with motion and equillibreum of a system

Electrical Terminology

Ampere - Unit of electric current
Volts - international system unit of electric potential and electromotive force
Watts - international system unit of power equal to 1 Joule per second
Capacitor - device for accumilating and holding a charge of electricity, consisting of two equally charged surfaces having opposite signs and seperated by a dielectric
Solenoid - an electric conductor wound as a helix with small pitch, or as two or more coaxil helices, so that current through the conductor establishes a magnetic field within the conductor
Resistor - a device used to control current in an electric curcuit by providing resistance
Current - electricity flowing through a curcuit
Circuit - complete path of electric current; a journey begining and ending at the same place.

Extra Info: - Theo Jansen - Intimate Control

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