Sunday, February 1, 2009


The human body the most complex thing

"Truth is ever to be found in the simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things."_ Sir Isaac Newton


Newton was quoted sayings this when talking about complexity in biology. Complexity is defined by Webster as a noun founded in 1661is something complex or the quality or state of being complex. In the present day world there are a number of complex things. These include computers, networking, and robotics. These things can become very complex but they are not the more complex then biological organisms. In other word humans and other organism at this time are more complex than anything else on the plant. An example of this is adaptive systems. Presently developers are trying to make computers and network system that use adaptive system, or are ability to learn, but they cannot. Humans on the other hand can. A good example of this is a baby learning the environment around it. Another example of this is just by looking at are bodies. Are bodies consist of a structural system made from bones, a transportation system including repertory and cardiovascular system, and the greatest computer and networking systems which includes are nerves and brain. It is just some of the things in are body which means we must be complex. These systems are so complex that we do not know are potential. Sciences are still puzzled at how are mind works and do not fully understand it. Also, because of are complexities sciences are having hard time find cure for cancer and other diseases. Considering all of this there is no computer system that can match humans at this. This remains me of a quote from Jan de Bont, “We're all complex human beings, and if some of that complexity shows through, I think it's advantageous for the movie.” _DCL & KW


Complexity in biology. Exceeding the limits of reductionism and determinism using complexity theory

Webster dictionary

Adaptive Systems

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