Thursday, March 12, 2009

The transforming application of a plane.

"We beleive the computer revolution has
leftmost of you behind."

-Dan O’sullivan and Tom Igoe


A roof is better defined as one of the three elementary parts of architecture: points, lines, and planes. In Its basic form the plane can change according to the parameters laid out by the designer. Throughout its transformation it holds many of the characteristics that walls and skins also hold. It is only after its application that the planes orientation defines it as a roof. Through out history the roof has been redefined multiple times in response to culture, climate, economics, welfare, etc. The question we have to ask ourselves is what truly defines the roof of the present and the future. In my opinion it is a mixture of forces driving the design of today’s roof structures. In my opinion the movement for a greener and more sustainable architecture should combine with the innovative technologies offered by computer programs and digital fabrication. Together they would create a freeform roof that responds to the occupant as well as the environment around it.

Quote- O’Sullivan, Dan, and Tom Igoe Physical Computing (2004)Thompson, Boston, Ma pgXVII
Image- Rafael Vinoly Architects.

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